Sunday, June 10


Okay. I just dont know what is the motif between my post tittle with this picture. HUH! whatever. I just can't sleep again tonight, so I hacking my own blog and change the blog image to be simple. As simple as that ;)

So tonight i think i want to stay up late. But... ugh tomorrow I need to follow irfan and afiq. They got football's training :/ OK. By the way, single life wasn't that nice actually. You feel like a loser always, when you always think about the people who doesn't mean you anything in their life. You feel like a loser again, when you keep like 'terhegeh-hegeh' nak text/whatsap-ing/BBM and etc. I just feel myself isn't great enough. Cs I feel like I still need him ;/ I still remember his promise to me, to not leaving me no matter what. But where? Where are all your promises to me, honey? My love for you never be endless, even we've got nothing. I just dont know what to say more but this is true *statement berani mati* :/ what I only can say here,

and when I bold the words, I really mean it. Hm sabar atie :/ K. I am being patience right now. I just want to let you know, please contact me. Tolong tunaikan hajat terakhir saya, to have one last chance? :(

Hm. And lately I keep dreaming about a weird things. I'm scared, I just don't feel like to sleep... Aku ni banyak dosa weh, aku banyak buat sakit kan hati orang buat orang marah, buat orang kecewa dgn attitude. Aku tak dgr cakap ibu dgn ayah, kadang-2 mengada melawan.
i'm scared, i'm trying to be a better person ;( hm

Ya Allah, aku bermohon pada engkau yang mengaturkan perjalanan hidup hambaMu
 berilah aku peluang untuk menikmati hari-2 yang indah dalam hidup aku.
 Hari-2 yang belum tentu pasti dapat diulangi. Amin ;')

with loves,