Sunday, June 10


Okay. I just dont know what is the motif between my post tittle with this picture. HUH! whatever. I just can't sleep again tonight, so I hacking my own blog and change the blog image to be simple. As simple as that ;)

So tonight i think i want to stay up late. But... ugh tomorrow I need to follow irfan and afiq. They got football's training :/ OK. By the way, single life wasn't that nice actually. You feel like a loser always, when you always think about the people who doesn't mean you anything in their life. You feel like a loser again, when you keep like 'terhegeh-hegeh' nak text/whatsap-ing/BBM and etc. I just feel myself isn't great enough. Cs I feel like I still need him ;/ I still remember his promise to me, to not leaving me no matter what. But where? Where are all your promises to me, honey? My love for you never be endless, even we've got nothing. I just dont know what to say more but this is true *statement berani mati* :/ what I only can say here,

and when I bold the words, I really mean it. Hm sabar atie :/ K. I am being patience right now. I just want to let you know, please contact me. Tolong tunaikan hajat terakhir saya, to have one last chance? :(

Hm. And lately I keep dreaming about a weird things. I'm scared, I just don't feel like to sleep... Aku ni banyak dosa weh, aku banyak buat sakit kan hati orang buat orang marah, buat orang kecewa dgn attitude. Aku tak dgr cakap ibu dgn ayah, kadang-2 mengada melawan.
i'm scared, i'm trying to be a better person ;( hm

Ya Allah, aku bermohon pada engkau yang mengaturkan perjalanan hidup hambaMu
 berilah aku peluang untuk menikmati hari-2 yang indah dalam hidup aku.
 Hari-2 yang belum tentu pasti dapat diulangi. Amin ;')

with loves,

Saturday, June 9


Ya ALLAH, i am beggin you to close my heart. Dont let anyone enter, 
until the suitable day of finding my soul mate come. 
Ya ALLAH, please dont let my heart to fall for anyone else. I dont it to be hurt again

Tonight, i just cant sleep. I hope something mircle happend to cure my bleeding heart. So pain, really pain :(

So the school is gonna be re-open soon, the 2nd semestar of schooling on 2012. How fast the time flies. Hope would be a better things for me, amin :')

Kay, I am lazy to type more. I just want to get more rest, meet you in my dream.

Assalamualaikum, xx

Monday, June 4

I feel

Want to know what looks me a loser?

- i smiled all alone when i know someone that used to be my crush, suka aku balik -.-
- i talked rubbish so much on twitter when something turn me on
- i pretend to like someone else but the facts is i still loves my ex
- i saw a cute BlackBerry cover, excited like a small kids
- i sulking when i didn't get something that i want
- i dont know how to cook -.- *and i'm serious

Saturday, June 2

Short Vacation

Hello Guys, Assalamualaikum :) 

How are you? I am just fine and alhamdulillah life is getting better besides my lovely family. Oh yeah! Right now I was having a short vacation. Doing well, just get back from shopping (; a lil bit tired and actually I wanted to have my nap but.... suddenly felt hard to update my blog hehe :p 

can you see that picture of mine? yes, with my little brother. The first day, we're heading to Mak Tok's house in Johor Bharu. The journey does not take a long time, only for 3 hours ++. Ayah driving too fast i think.  Haha but sokay, at least we're not that tired. Sharp 2 o'clock we have arrived to Mak Tok's house. Visited my dear Tok Abah. Alhamdulillah he is getting better, but he's looked very different after the chemo therapy. Tok Abah looked very skinny, hm.... I hope Tok Abah can get more better and better. Amiin :')

Ezzatie Mohd Shofi *me :P

Muhamad Izzafiq Mohd Shofi *second brother ;)

Muhammad Izzirfan Mohd Shofi *last and only one ;)

So that one the first day of us, 1st June 2012. A great day to have :3

and night, I am on the phone with someone :P sorry can't mention here. He is someone boyfriend, and on that night again! his girlfriend had a jealous on me just because of He on the phone with me. Ugh, i feel sorry to her. But we both have been friendship too long before you get to know him ):

Then the story of 2nd June 2012 before heading to Woodland !

Going to a wedding first, with ibu :*

in the car, with Irfan heading to Woodland yeay! hehe and by the way the picture for today was not that much because we all busy shopping. Ughhh~ you gotta believe this! the Singaporean guy was very very very uhhhmmm *speechleesss* muahahaha >:D OK I was like, 'OH MAMAT NI!!!!
the way he stare at me, the way he smile the way he said 'HI', *melting* LOL xD

Tired face, serious i wanna go back at this time lah. And yeah! on this time lah I have 'debate' with ayah about the teenagers nowdays. Especially malay teenagers, i just feel bad that i can't hang out with Fifo on this Wednesday :( just because ayah said 'budak melayu nie selalu lepak tak tentu arah, menghabiskan duit mak ayah diorang' and i was like 'hello! ayah akak pun teenagers. You shouldn't talk that, yeah akak tahu you was grown up in village so zaman ayah dengan zaman kakak sangat berbeza. ayah kena faham, tak semua budak remaja itu suka lepak tak tentu arah like everyday' then ayah said 'tak bukan, maksud ayah diorang nie suka sangat berseronok bagai, sampai tengah malam. cuba tgk budak cina ada diorang lepak? tak ada, kalau ada pun dekat cafe belajar and buat benda berfaedah' and i said to ayah 'mana ayah tahu budak cina macam tu? diorang pun tgk movie, keluar dgn boyfriend girlfriend -,- senang cerita lah en semua budak remaja ni sama je, tak kira lah bangsa apa. AND! some of teenagers still boleh fikir. Bagi budak yang pandai ah kan, diorang keluar bukan selalu, bukan lepak-2 buang masa. diorang keluar pun sebab just to have fun just awhile well faham-2 lah en cuti sekolah kan tak kan nak terperap dgn buku interner semua hm
*at the same time i told ayah what i feel* :( i just feel bad, when i cant even go out!
 Ayah have told ibu earlier to not let me out hm ;(
then after 'debate' with ayah, ayah just stay silent and said 'anak ayah dah pandai membangkang ayah kan' then senyum, LOL i just tell what i feel all this time.................... haaa i just want your trust to let me out with Fifo, i miss her very bad! *crying* haha 

hmm... soo teenagers out there please if you see Mr Mohd Shofi please behave yourself infront of him :p pity lah his daughter here LOL HAHA. I wanna gooo ouuutttt ~,~

Hm eh, all right guys. Gotta go now, thanks for having your time to read my 'not lawak at all' stories LOL :P

Good night, eh atie will back tomorrow
Take care guys, byee. Monday gonna go to dentist :3

Assalamualaikum ;)