Thursday, May 31

nothing without you

I am your bad servant. I always make sins to YOU, a lot! I always forget about you. I always think to have fun, and I never thinking even a little piece of YOU. I feel useless. I feel like im nothing, yes ALLAH I am nothing without YOU. I feel that im great, being great in people eyes but im not great to YOU ! I feel bad, sometimes I have make the wrong path.

Ya Allah, i feel empty. Everyday I am hurts. I might be happy to everybody eyes, but actually im not that satisfied with my own self. Im greeddyyyy, I like to do it more to look great infront of teachers, friends and family. But....... facts is i never be greatfull to YOU. I never give thanks to YOU ;'( I realise that since my heart is always empty. Seeking for YOUR love, everyday im wonder did Allah forgive me for all the mistake i have done? Did Allah still love me? Wardah have said to me once, like this

can you read that? and I was touched with this msg, the time when im sick. I complain to her, and this is what she replied to me. I feel  guilty to you, Ya Allah. I have forget you soo many times, but you still give me chance to change ;'(  I was ashamed to face you Ya Allah. I kid not to be hypocrytes, Allah have give me chance. I never let it go again....... hm wardah always there for me. She give some advice, 

I would like to thanks wardah for everything, there is a virtue in all this ;') from now on I have tried to get to used with hijjab when going to somewher :')
Salam, Atie

when you're down,
seek for Allah
HE may help you.

when you're in anger,
take your wudhu'
It may help you to be calm

when you're alone,
Allah is there always for you

when you're need help,
seek again to Allah
complain to HIM
HE will find the way

when you're sick,
think positive
ALLAH give you sick
because HE miss you
HE miss you to ask HIM for a help

when you're feel not right,
read quran
and you will feel better.

How sweet is Allah to HIS creatures :')
Dont find yourself alone,
cs ALLAH is always there for us

Love, Atie