Friday, December 21

Ibu, I wish

*flip shawl* *cough* Ehem ;) 
*betulkan spec* OK.

Ibu, Kakak kan... teringin nak cerita dekat ibu pasal macam macam lah. Macam budak perempuan yang lain selalu gossip, cerita pasal boyfriend girlfriend diorang dekat mama or ibu diorang. Teringin nak buat macam tu, I mean.. there's no secret between us. Tapi... kakak takut :( ibu selalu cerita dekat ayah balik apa yang kakak cerita dekat ibu... memang lah ayah tak bagi respond apa apa but it is like.. ugh I don't have any place to story other than with my best friend :( ibu dengan ayah always think the negative part of teenagers. Why?! Bosan ah ;( nak menangis pun ada. Ibu and ayah should know that your daughter is grown up. Seriously, there's a different cerita dekat mak orang lain dengan mak sendiri. Sangat lahhhh banyak perbezaan dia. I wish you could know :(

your daughter.

Tuesday, December 4

i'm so in loveeeeee

(before that, I warn you that this post is all about love,wkwkwk~!)

So yeah, here we go again. Just hung up the phone with him. Yeah I'm cruel, I forced him to stay awake until it 2.30am. I forced him to sing but.. haha he's just sang "bila rindu". He do makes me melted. I just don't know what to say more, listen to him. Singing while I'm hang up the phone speechleess hehehe. 

For almost a year, I guess. We're becoming "friend" and I don't even expect to have him as my love one. He's not my boyfriend, he's something special. He's cute, he's funny. Sometimes silly! He's my bestfriend, very good listener. Too kind! too romantic (kadang kadang kuat cemburu) Haha. We just don't even know how to tell people about our relationship, YES! But he do told his friends that I am his girlfriend! (macam mana tu atie!) haha I don't know how to explain.

By the way, thank you love for everything. We create and color this life together. I do pray for our relationship, your happiness (I hope I'm one of your happiness) I do hope this will make forever, insya'Allah. 

love, atie